The flight distance from Leeds, United Kingdom to Huddersfield, United Kingdom is: 13 miles / 21 km
The driving distance is approximately 24 Km
Huddersfield is in the Metropolitan Borough of Kirklees, in West Yorkshire, England, halfway between Leeds and Manchester. It lies 190 miles north of London, and 10.3 miles south of Bradford, the nearest city.
45 miles taking this route:Take A64 LEEDS, from York, to M62 MANCHESTER. Follow signs.Take M62 to Huddersfield.
Yorkshire close to leeds and Manchester Yorkshire close to leeds and Manchester
The city of Huddersfield in located in the United Kingdom. It is part of the county of West Yorkshire. Huddersfield lies halfway between Leeds, also part of West Yorkshire and Manchester, which is in the county of Lancashire.
35 miles
200 miles taking this route:Take M5 (NORTH) from Bristol to M6 to THE NORTH WEST to WALSALL and WOLVERHAMPTON.Take M6 to LEEDS, BOLTON, and MANCHESTER (N) at JUNCTION 21A.Take M6 to Huddersfield.
Huddersfield is approximately mid-distance.
No. The nearest branch would be Leeds or Manchester
The distance between leeds and southhampton is 241 miles. (about a 4 hour and 10 mins drive).
25 miles taking this route:Follow A61 to the SOUTH towards LEEDS from Harrowgate to A58 to CITY CENTER in LEEDS.Take A58 to A62 to HUDDERSFIELD. Follow signs to A62 to HUDDERSFIELD.Follow A62, towards HUDDERSFIELD, to Liversedge.