About 2100 miles.
Berlin to Baghdad is 2106 miles.
The flight distance from Iraq to Israel is: 551 miles / 887 km
The flight distance from Iraq to Missouri (MO) is: 6,773 miles / 10,900 km
The flight distance from Iraq to United States is: 6,942 miles / 11,172 km
The flight distance from Iraq to Kentucky (KY) is: 6,556 miles / 10,551 km
The flight distance from Iraq to United Kingdom is: 2,662 miles / 4,283 km
The flight distance from Texas (TX) to Iraq is: 7,363 miles / 11,849 km
The flight distance from Iraq to Kentucky (KY) is: 6,556 miles / 10,551 km
The distance from Washington to Iraq is 6,826 miles or 10,985 kilometers. A flight from Washington to Iraq takes about 14 hours.
The distance between San Antonio, TX and Baghdad, Iraq is 7472 miles (12025 km)
The distance is 6,062 miles.
The driving distance between Munich, Germany and Nuremberg, Germany is 103 miles / 166 km
The distance between Boston Massachusetts and Baghdad Iraq is 5809 miles. A typical flight from Boston to Baghdad is about 11 hours and 36 minutes.