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the wing flap

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Q: What is the curvature of a wing called?
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When the flap at the rear of an airplane wing is in the downward position the curvature of the wing increases How will this help affect the amount of lift on the wing?

When the curvature of the wing increases, air moving across the top of the wing moves more rapidly. The increased difference in speed between the air above the wing and the air below the wing will help to cause an increased lift on the wing.

Has a convex lateral surface called greater curvature and a concave medial surface called lesser curvature?

The stomach has a greater and lesser curvature. The greater curvature is the more lateral of the two.

How does an airplane stay up in the air?

Winglift.Lift is pressure on the wing due differential air pressure below and above wing. This difference results from the difference in curvature of the wing top and bottom..

Five factor that affect aerodynamic lift?

Shape as in the curvature of the wing (camber), Size as in the wing's size, Speed,Thrust , the weight of the aircraft, may be drag too.

What is a camber on a airplane?

The camber on a wing refers to the curvature of the wing. A high camber means the wing is thick and produces more lift but flies slower. A low camber means the wing is thinner, produces less lift but flies much faster.

What is the inward curvature of a bone called?

A fossa is an inward curvature or depression in the wall of a bone.

The superior curvature of the uterus is called?

The fundus

What is the wing of a plane called?

It is just called the wing.

What is wing to wing of an airplane called?

If you are referring to the distance from wing tip to wing tip, it is usually called "wingspan".

What is radius of curvature?

The radius of the sphere of which a lens surface or curved mirror forms a part is called the radius of curvature.

What are the sides of fold where curvature is at minimum called?


What are the five components fused called?

Sacral Curvature (convex)