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Cruzing altitude is for long distances 10,000 feet to 45,000 feet. For short distances 1,000 feet to 10,000 feet.

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Q: What is the cruzing altitude for a jet plane?
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What altitude does a plane decrease at?

Depends on the plane but a fighter jet despences at 12 miles

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What is the distance from earth to a jet plane?

Zero, if the jet plane is on the ground, otherwise it depends at what altitude the plane happens to be flying. Cruising altitude for many passenger airliners is around five to seven miles. Military aircraft often fly at much higher altitudes.

What is the altitude of a commercial jet airplane?

The altitude ranges from 30,000 feet to 45000 feet. This is only average altitude. This range is suitable when the plane has levelled.

A plane climbs into the jet stream which is flowing at a rate of 80 miles per hour Traveling with the jet stream for 5 hours the plane covers 1150 miles The plane then reduces its altitude and fly?

The plane's airspeed is the sum of its speed relative to the air and the speed of the jet stream. To calculate the plane's airspeed when traveling with the jet stream, we can subtract the jet stream speed from 1150 miles divided by 5 hours. This gives an airspeed of 230 miles per hour.

Can a commercial jet airliner glide to land in the event of a total engine failure?

Yes. In fact, some have! It just depends on the distance from the plane to the airport, the speed of the plane, and the altitude of the plane.

What is jet plane?

A jet plane is any aircraft powered by jet engines.

What is the speed of a passenger plane?

It depends on the aircraft, altitude, headwind, etc. If you we're on a jet cruising at 36,000 ft, you could be going mach 0.6.

Does the size of a plane's wings effect the distance it flies?

Yes like the U-2 spy plane its mostly a glider with a jet engine. because of the planes wing span it can get up at very high altitude

What is faster a plane or jet?

A jet

What is the speed of a jet fighter plane?

Depends on the aircraft, and the altitude. The actual top speed of current fighters is classified information- but the F-16, at high altitude, can exceed twice the speed of sound- more than 1500 mph.

Im leaving on a jet plane?

Leaving On A Jet Plane - John Denver