Philadelphia-Paris-Athens-Santorini: approx. 17 hours with Air France and Olympic Air.
The approximate distance between the two cities' major airports is 3,727 air miles.
Air travel time from Miami to Montevideo is 81/2 to 9 hours.
That depends on from which city in Pennsylvania you will be flying? For example, from Philadelphia, it looks like British Airways, Northwest Airlines, Air Canada, Lufthansa, US Air, American Airlines, Air France, and Delta all provide service to Paris. From Pittsburgh, the choices are a bit more limited with Northwest Airlines, American Airlines, and Air Canada offering service to Paris. Those are just two possible departure cities in Pennsylvania, thoug. A search on a travel site such as Travelocity from your desired departure city to Paris might be a good way of finding the most accurate information. Good luck!
according to my information its 3444 miles Ian - H.I.S. Travel London
For the flight Philadelphia-Frankfurt-Bucharest, with United Air Lines the flight time is 12 h 40 min.
Air distance from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Mobile, Alabama is 966 miles and takes 2 hours 26 minutes. It is a distance in kilometers of 1,555. The average flight speed is 500 m.p.h., or 805 km/h.
With Air Tahiti Nui (highly recommended) Paris - Los Angeles - Papeete; 22h30min outward, 21h15min homeward
The duration of Air of Paris is 1.83 hours.
Non-stop flights from the United States to Australia depart from either Los Angeles or San Francisco. Travel time is less from Los Angeles. The air travel time from Los Angeles to Melbourne is 15 hours 35 minutes. The travel time from Denver to Los Angeles depends on the airline you choose, but should add about 2 hours 15 -20 minutes to your air travel time.