Seven hundred thirty (730) is the air kilometer distance from Brisbane, Australia to Sydney, Australia. That equals 454 in air mileage or 394 in sea mileage.
The air distance from Sydney, Australia to Brisbane, Australia, is 454 miles. That equals 730 kilometers or 394 nautical miles.
It is 921 km by road between Brisbane and Sydney. Air distance is 728 km.
Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane are in the continent (and nation) of Australia.
From Brisbane to Canberra via the Pacific Highway to Sydney is a distance of 1201km by road. The distance by air is 935km.
The half way point when driving from Brisbane to Sydney, Brisbane is Armidale, Australia.
The distance from London, England to Brisbane, Australia is 10273 miles (16532 km).
The air kilometer distance from Sydney, Australia, to the Grand Canyon, Arizona, is 12,660 kilometers. That equals 7,867 miles or 6,836 nautical miles.
Distance:The distance between Bombay (Mumbai), India and Sydney, Australia is 6310 miles (10155 km).Flight:Mumbai (BOM) to Sydney (SYD)Flight Duration * 13 hours 40 mins * Via Singapore Changi Apt, Singapore (SIN)
No, Sydney was not directly affected by the tsunami that hit Brisbane, Australia. Tsunamis are usually localized events and their impact is limited to specific areas along the coastline where they make landfall.
As you've not indicated which coast in Australia, I'm presuming you mean Sydney, Brisbane, or Melbourne: The flight distance from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane Australia is approximately 13,800 KM or 8,600 miles.
sydney brisbane perth melbourne
from Princess Cruises web site.Cruise Itinerary:DAYPORTARRIVALDEPARTURE1 Brisbane, Austrailia ---8:00 p.m. 12 At Sea ------3 Sydney, Australia 7:00 a.m.---