The flight time from Shanghai, China to Cairns, Australia is about 7 hours, 21 minutes.
For direct flights, about 14.75 hours flying time. This is time 'in the air' and excludes ground activities.
Direct flights from Vancouver Canada to Shanghai China are typically between 11 and 12 hours.
For direct flights, about 14.5 hours flying time to Wellington, NZ. This is time 'in the air' and excludes ground activities.
3 hours
According to it takes about 5 hours
Departure point: Vancouver, CanadaDestination point: Shanghai, People's Republic of ChinaEstimated flight duration: 11 hours, 11 minutes
It takes 10 hours and 25 minutes.
About 15 hours.
The flight time is 11 hours, 12 minutes.
The flying time is 3 hours 12 minutes average passenger airliner Melbourne, Australia to Wellington NZ
14 hours and 40 minutes