The flight time from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Oahu is about 8 hours.
The flight time from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Dublin, Ireland is about 7 hours, 28 minutes.
The flight time from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Savannah, Georgia is about 2 hours, 13 minutes.
The flight time from Moscow, Russia to Minneapolis, Minnesota is about 9 hours, 51 minutes.
The total flight time is approximately 3 hours, depending on layovers, delays and flight conditions, etc.
There are 4,327 miles between Minneapolis, Minnesota and Madrid, Spain. If you book a nonstop flight, the travel time will be 7 hours 50 minutes.
The total direct flight time between Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Tortola, British Virgin Islands is about 5h 7min. This does not include the amount of time you may spend waiting at an airport for a connecting flight.
The time zone in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the US is Central Standard Time (CST), which is GMT -6.
The time zone in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the US is Central Standard Time (CST), which is GMT -6.
Air miles between Minneapolis, Minnesota and Indianapolis, Indiana total 511. That is 823 kilometers. That is 444 nautical miles.
about an hour an fifteen minutes
The average flight time is 3 hours, 35 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.