The Airbus A 380 was made by airbus to compete with the Boeing 747
# Boeing 737-300 # Boeing 747-400 (jumbo jet) # Airbus 380 # Dc 8 # Airbus 340 # Boeing 737-300 # Boeing 747-400 (jumbo jet) # Airbus 380 # Dc 8 # Airbus 340
The Boeing 747 is a plane used for crossing oceans. It is a double decked plane though not as big as the new Airbus A 380.
In almost every way the A380 is bigger.
the Boeing 747 is bigger han the 787. The Boeing 747 can seat over 400 people, but the Boeing 787 can only seat about 300 passengers. The Boeing 747 is the second largest commercial airplane in the world. (the largest commercial airplane in the world is the airbus A380.)
The Airbus A380 is not the only Rival for the Boeing 747.
the planes usually used by airlines are the Boeing 747 to 787 or airbus a300-380
Airbus currently makes the largest passenger airplane, the A380, with boeing making the second biggest, the 747. <><>><><> The Boeing 777 has a larger Max takeoff weight, longer aircraft, but smaller passenger capacity.
The number 777 is bigger than 747 The Aircraft Boeing 747 is bigger than the Boeing 777
The number 787 is bigger than the number 747. However if your asking about the Boeing Aircraft then the Boeing 747 is bigger than the Boeing 787.
As of April 2018 (time of answer - No. They have Airbus A321 Airbus A330 Airbus A340 Boeing 747 Boeing 767 Boeing 787 Dreamliner