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to hold the hole of the rocket

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Q: What is a rocket body there for?
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What is the definition of a rocket body tube?

A rocket body tube is the center of a rocket; also the piece that holds the rocket together.

What is the outer shell of a rocket called?

The outer shell of a rocket is called the rocket's body or fuselage. It is designed to protect the rocket's internal components and payload from the harsh environment of space.

What is the effect on the body of rocket fuel in cigarettes?

turns you into a rocket

What is a rocket's structural system?

The structural system is the body of a rocket, this includes all the parts of the rocket.

Does the body tube on a rocket affect it?

The body tube of a rocket is there for friction. As the rocket comes back down the body tube along with the fins are there to slow it down. Also the longer the body tube the faster your rocket will go. The body tube gives it a narrow edge.

What do they call the sides of a rocket?

It's simply called the rocket body.

How long should the body of a model rocket be?

It depends on what type of rocket you are building.

What does body length on a straw rocket affect?

it affects how far the rocket will fly

Why is the body of a rocket need to be long?

The body of a rocket needs to be long because it helps with the propulsion of the object. It is strictly to help with aerodynamics.

What makes a rocket move forward in Roblox?

The way rockets work is by modifying the velocity and body-gyro of the rocket brick. In simplified terms, after thee rocket is "created" the script detects and saves the direction the rocket is pointing.The script uses the body gyro to lock the rocket brick in the said direction and suspend the rocket in the air; then it modifies the velocity to propel the rocket forward.

What is the rocket's body made of?

Depending on the rocket it could be made of an aluminium alloy, a steel alloy or titanium.

What does body cone do in a bottle rocket?

It streamlines the nose.