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Venice is sinking.

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Q: What is a reason to get to Venice fast?
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Why get to Venice fast?

Venice is sinking. You've escaped.

Where can you see a gondola?

Venice. Venice.

What sea does the city of Veince Italy sit on?

Venice was built on pylons made of wood. The reason that Venice is thought to be "sinking" is due to fissures formed by wells emptying out the aquifers that reside under the city.

What is the best way to travel from Lake Como to Venice?

I would go by train. The trains in Europe are fast, efficient and on time.

Where is the Venice Branch in Venice located?

The address of the Venice Branch is: 501 S. Venice Blvd., Venice, 90291 3440

Who is duke of Venice in the merchant of the Venice?

Who knows? The Duke of Venice is not a character in the play The Merchant of Venice. In Othello, yes. But not in the Merchant of Venice.

Name a reason someone might want to eat fast food?

Its fast and cheap.

Why do people buy fast food?

people buy fast food one reason is because its fast. another reason is because most people don't have time to cook.

What will happen if without a reason you do not fast during Ramadan?

In Hadis (Allaha tala kami bashi mafe kare) If a person do not observe fast in Ramzan without any reason . He will not cover of Sawab that fast even he observe fast his holl life

Name a reason someone might prefer eating in a fast food restraunt?

fast service

What are the ratings and certificates for Venice Venice - 1992?

Venice Venice - 1992 is rated/received certificates of: Singapore:PG USA:R

A Setting on the Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice is set, surprisingly enough, in Venice.