Steppe. Definition of steppe: a grass-covered plain without trees.
Both 'staircase' or 'stairway'.
A homonym for "fault" could be "flaw" or "defect," while a homonym for a house part could be "stair" or "step."
Step by Step - 1991 The Flight Before Christmas 5-11 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp
The homonym of "wrung" is "rung." Both words are pronounced the same but have different meanings. "Wrung" is the past participle of "wring," meaning to twist or squeeze forcefully, while "rung" refers to a step or crossbar between the legs of a ladder.
It could be considered a homonym. A homonym is a word that is pronounced or spelled the same way as another word but has a different meaning. This could apply to the word "long" because it may be used to mean distance and also time, which is not a physical length."How long was your flight?" could therefore have two different but correct answers.
There are several synonyms for the phrase "next steps" You could use the phrase "advance to the following directions" as an alternative.
The homonym of "drenched" is "drentched."
The answer is which, but you mean homophone, not homonym.
Hour is a homonym for our.
The homonym for 'suite' is 'sweet'.