Copa flight Date change number
Impossible to answer ! The flight number only applies to one scheduled journey ! You would have to contact British Airways and giv them more specific details for them to tell you the flight number.
The phone number of the Museum Of Flight is: 206-764-5700.
If this is an international flight then YEs, you need your passport number for the booking.
The maximum number of legs in a flight would be determined by the number of layovers or stopovers in the journey. It is common to have multiple layovers in a long-haul flight, resulting in several legs within a single flight itinerary. Typically, the maximum number of legs in a flight could be around 5-6 depending on the route and airline.
It would be printed on your boarding cards and/or ticket. It takes the form of an airline prefix followed by a flight number, for example;BA001 - British Airways flight 001QF091 - Qantas flight 091AF876 - Air France flight 876
Pan Am Flight 101
Pan Am Flight 101
United Airlines Flight 93.
United Airline Flight 93
American Airlines Flight 77
There were 4 planes American Airlines Flight 11 American Airlines Flight 175 United Flight 77 United Flight 93