They at usually called stewards or ushers.
You are thinking of the term 'usher.' The usher at a wedding escorts wedding guests at the church to the correct seating arrangements and an usher at a cinema (movie theater) ushers the patron to an empty seat.
Cinema attendants are those who maintains an organized environment within cinemas and theaters. They are the ones responsible in keeping the area and the people inside to be in good hands as well as to avoid any situation that would create a disturbance inside.
The cast of Dissection - 2012 includes: Thomas Caine as Guest Rick Chaplin as Cinema Patron (On Tape) Jarret Gahan as Giallo Hands Michelle Hodgman as Beautiful Young Female (On Tape) Paul Howett as Cinema Attendant (On Tape)
EVS attendant
An attendant in a royal palace is called an attendant or a servant.
The cast of Cinema Cinema - 1986 includes: Kalaichelvi Gandhimathi
The Romanian language equivalents of cinema are cinema, cimetograf.
you did see him at the cinema
The flight attendant boarded the plane
Attendant services in Pune