Car not blowing air or heat
blowing cool air, is the air only in your mouth... warm air comes from your lungs. temperature also varies by how open your mouth is while blowing air out
2 ford mondeo not blowing hot air air con works
The most common cause of an air conditioner not blowing air is a plugged filter. Be sure your filter is clean.
air is blowing bat problem is no air com to front only in class
What do you mean by "has no heat"? No air blowing out, blowing out cold air when heater is on, blowing nothing at all? Heater not turning on? What specifically is happening?
smelled electrical burn now central air is blowing warm air non stop
You mean the outside unit is running and blowing but the inside unit is not blowing? Shut it off! Who ain't blowing? Elaborate please..
becaz d air molecules require more space than required if u keep on blowing air into it
Check the temperature control cable
low on freon