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It depends on the airplane.

If the plane is a Boeing 727, DC-10 or Lockheed L-1011, it only has three engines.

If it's a 747, which comes from the factory with four, having one engine stop running isn't that bad. Pilots train for the shutdown of one engine. If the fourth engine falls off the wing, which has happened, the plane can go out of control and crash.

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Related questions

Where does one get information on airplane engines?

One can get information on airplane engines from the website of the manufacturers of airplane engines. There will be many different answers to questions one may have.

Who are the leading manufacturers of airplane engines?

There are many manufacturers of aeroplane or airplane engines. The leading manufacturers of airplane, aeroplane, or jet engines are Boeing, General Electric, and Pratt & Whittney.

What is the noise of an airplane?

The noise of the airplane comes from the engines.

What is the distance of airplane?

Depends on the airplane size and engines used.

What provides thrust to a real airplane?

The thrust is an airplane is provided by the engines.

What causes an airplane to accelerate?

An airplane accelerates due to the thrust generated by its engines. As the engines produce forward thrust, the aircraft gains speed. The thrust must overcome drag forces acting on the airplane to achieve acceleration.

What makes the airplane move?

The engines, driving propellers or jets, make the airplane move.

What airplane has four propeller driven engines on the front of each wing?

The most well known airplane with four propeller driven engines on each wing was the "Spruce Goose". It was designed by Howard Hughes and flew only one time for a short distance.

What keeps an airplane moving forward?

An engine producing THRUST keeps an airplane moving forward. Types of engines used by airplanes include reciprocating engines, turbo prop engines, turbojet, and turbofan engines. Some manufacturers are developing electric engines and one bicycle racer powered a very lightweight airplane using pedal power connected to a propeller.

Can an airplane take off when it is on a treadmill going the opposite direction?

No is not correct. Yes is the correct answer because the rearward thrust from the engines(s) of the airplane would move the airplane forward and the wheels would only spin faster on the tredmill.

How many engines doesn an aircraft have?

It depends on the size of the aircraft. A smaller airplane like Cessna has only one engine. The biggest cargo plane like Antonov has six engines.

Where does an airplane get its propulsion?

The aircraft's propulsion comes from its engines.