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Not sure what you mean by "brake flaps". Flaps were control surfaces on the wings the drop down to give the aircraft more lift at slower speeds. They do NOT heat up. Spoilers or also "Speed brakes" are flight controls on top of the wing that pop UP to disrupt the air flow and allows the plane to stop flying and slows it down during landing. They do NOT heat up. Brakes are part of the landing gear and wheels and stops the plane much like car brakes do. The crew does not push down on any controls but push down on the rudder pedals with their feet---again, much like a car. The Brakes head up by friction of the discs and rotors rubbing together to slow down the rotation of the wheel.

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Q: What heats up when the brake flaps of a plane are pushed down?
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Do the flaps on a plane affect how fast the plane flies?

yes. the flaps increase drag which slows the plane down.

What does the planes tail of the plane do?

It helps the plane balance. And on the planes tail it has two flaps on each side, and when these flaps go up it lifts the tail and the plane goes down, and when the flaps go down then then plane goes up.

Why are the flaps of the wings on a plane adjust thoughout the flight?

That is not common. Flaps are generally used to take-off and land.

What do flaps help an airplane do?

An airplanes having the flaps in wings as it helps the plane to give or to produce a additional lift.

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at the bottom of the plane, roughly underneath the cockpit

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Camber can be increased by using flaps.

What are the flaps on an airplane called?

They are quite literally called flaps, and they make the plane go up, down, left and right.

What is the flape on the plane and how do they help the plane?

the flaps on a plane increase drag and they create lift so the piolt can fly the plane at a lower speed.

What is function of TE flap in aircraft?

The function of flaps and slats on a plane are simple but important. While landing and taking off the flaps are down so the plane lift increase and the plane can maintain flight with lower air speeds. While cruse altitude flaps are in to reduce drag, safe fuel and the chance to speed up.

What happens when the flaps of a paper airplane are up?

slows the plane down

What are those flap like things that open on an airplane's engine when it lands?

You got it in one they are flaps. the wings have flaps and ailerons and sometimes an extra control surface that goes upwards to help it slow down. In any case the flaps are the control surfaces on the back of the wing that move down as the plane slows down to land. they stop the plane from stalling and falling out of the sky. a very irritating thing if it happens especially when you are close to the ground. by using the flaps the plane is able to keep flying at a lower speed prior to landing. if there were no flaps the plane would have to come in at high speed or fall out of the sky.

What are the parts of a plane?

Propellers Flaps Elevators Rudder Fuselage Wings Aileron