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Basically, the engine of the airplane provides thrust, which help it go forward. There are many types of engines that can do the job.

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Q: What does the engine of an airplane do?
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What part of an airplane engine keeps things from going into the engine?

bars that are put up in front of the engine so that nothing goes into the airplane's engine.

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The energy does a airplane engine produce is 10 kg of ht?

What makes an airplane go?

The engine makes an airplane go forward.

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what is a airplane engine called

Can natural gas be used in an airplane?

Not in a typical airplane engine, however if you had a specially made modified engine, than it is feasible.

What is a twin engine airplane?

A twin engine airplane is an airplane which has two engines for the purposes of redundancy and/or performance. Twin engine aircraft are considerably more complex to fly than single engine aircraft, and so the FAA requires a special multi-engine endorsement in order to operate them.

What makes an airplane go forward?

The engine makes an airplane go forward.

What does a fuselage do on an airplane?

it powers the engine

What do you call a airplane with out an engine?

A glider

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Is a airplane engine heavier than a car engine?

Almost always. Unless the airplane happens to be an ultralight, or the car happens to be a Hummer.