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They say Good afternoon/good morning it will be about 5 minutes before we land.

Hope you had a comfortable journey Im the pilot _____(say their name) x

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Q: What does a pilot say before landing?
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Often the pilot might say aircraft intersecting basically it means plane landing. So when the pilot says intersecting it tells the crew to be in possessions for landing.

Who is responsible for landing airplanes?

The pilot and the co-pilot are responsible for landing the airplane.

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Pilot - Knots Landing - was created on 1979-12-27.

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What makes an airplane pilot's job hard?

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A ground management officer instructs the pilot where to go after landing. He or she signals the pilot, usually by use of hand signals.

When landing a plane a pilot always aims for a what point landing?

2 point. Mains first then nose wheel.

What does a pilot use to land?

Before setting up for landing pilots follow checklists. The pilot puts the aircraft in a landing configuration. To accomplish this, the throttle is set and the flaps are set to keep the right rate of descent and glide slope all the way down to the runway. On landing configuration It is very normal for pilots to use power to gain or lose altitude and trade altitude for airspeed. Prior to landing the pilot makes one final check to make sure the aircraft is ready to land, specifically the landing gear down. This is all done while listening to air traffic control and following approach plates.

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How might the pilot exult after landing safely?

An exultant feelIng sweeps over you as you roll down the runway and come to a stop

What are the most common reasons for an airline pilot to abort a landing?

foreign objects on the runway, landing gear not down, wrong airport, didnt feel like landing

What did the American pilot say before he drop the bomb in japan?

Screw u Japanese!