It is 579.05 miles according to MapQuest.
The distance between Charlotte FL and Orlando FL is about 140 road miles.
There are about 268 miles between Orlando, FL and Homestead, FL.
The driving distance from Jacksonville, FL to Smithfield, NC is 436 miles.
The distance between Orlando, FL and Davie, FL is approximately 200 miles.
18 miles
70 miles
The driving distance from Naples, FL, USA to Orlando, FL, USA is 188.35mi / 303.12km
There are about 991 miles between Orlando, FL and St. Louis, MO.
The distance between Orlando, FL and Sarasota, FL is 131.5 miles. It takes a little over two hours to make the drive.
The shortest driving distance is 69.7 miles.
The driving distance from Orlando, FL, USA to Brooksville, FL, USA is 67 miles.