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A glider

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Q: What did the Wright Brothers invent before the airplane?
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Related questions

The wright brothers invented the airplane in what year?

The Wright Brothers Invented it in 1901

What all did the wright brothers invent?

the airplane

When did the wright brothers invert the airplane?

Wright brothers did not invent the airplane. They built the first one that flew, there is a difference.

Was their another group building an airplane at the same time as the wright brothers?

There were many other people trying to invent the airplane even before the Wright brothers. It eventually became a race, and obviously the Wright brothers won.

What year did the wright brothers invent their airplane?


Who was the first in world to invent airplane?

wright brothers

What inspired the wright brothers to invent the airplane?

The person who invented gliders inspired the Wright brothers.

Did the Chinese invent the airplane?

No, the American Wright Brothers are credited with inventing the airplane.

What year did wright brothers invent the airplane?


Where did the Wright Brothers invent their first airplane?

The answer before this was North Carolina. That answer is completely wrong! It was near North Carolina but the Wright brothers rightfully invented the airplane in Dayton, Ohio. They also had their frst flight there.

What are some things the wright brothers invent?

they made a airplane in

Who was the president when the wright brothers invent the airplane?

Theodore Roosevelt