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Anything that interrupts the streamlined shape causes turbulence, a flap that won't close fully, an undercarriage door with a bent edge, a loose rivet - all of these things and many more.

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Q: What causes turbulence in a airplane?
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Related questions

What causes airplane accidents?

Many things cause airplane accidents- fuel shortage, turbulence, problems with the engine, etc. However, many of these problems can easily be avoided.

Can turbulEnces bring down an airplane?

Turbulence can bring down an airplane. The chances of this happening is approximately 1 in a billion. Strong turbulence that can cause an airplane to lose control is mapped and avoided by the aircraft.

How can you use the word turbulence in a sentence?

The airplane experienced severe turbulence during the thunderstorm, causing some passengers to feel nauseous.

What causes drag on an airplane?

Two things: first, friction between the outside of the plane and the air it's passing through. Second, turbulence in the air will drag on the plane.

What is it called when an airplane is moving a lot?

Turbulence... or acrobats if its moving intentionally by the pilot

Why does an airplane shiver while flying?

The shaking is caused by the buffering from air turbulence

Can an airplane fly around a tornado not feel any turbulence?

No.Tornadoes form within the updraft portion of a thunderstorm, near a downdraft. This will cause quite a bit of turbulence.

Why the aircraft is not attacked by wind?

It is causes turbulence

How do you use the word airplane in a sentence?

Example sentences using the word "airplane" include the ones used in this short story: The family was excited to take their first airplane ride. Once air-born, the airplane climbed to an altitude of 30,000 feet. Turbulence caused the airplane to descend rapidly. Because the turbulence resulted in passengers being injured, pilots diverted the airplane to land at the closest airport. Although the family had bumps and bruises, they still enjoyed their first airplane ride.

What are some complaints people have about flying in an airplane?

Food Crowded Turbulence Small Seats Sickness/Nausea Scared

Name a complaint people have about flying in an airplane.?

Food Crowded Turbulence Small Seats Sickness/Nausea Scared

Can an airplane in a thundercloud shake violently?

Yes, an airplane in a thundercloud can experience turbulence and shaking due to the severe weather conditions. Pilots are trained to navigate through thunderstorms by using onboard weather radar and communication with air traffic control to avoid the most intense areas of turbulence.