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The typical aanswer to that is indeed continental polar and maritime tropical, but it is not necessarily the case. A continental tropical air mass may take the place of the continental polar air mass. In some cases, no collision of air masses is needed.

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Q: What are the two air masses contributing to a tornado Are they Continental Polar and Maritime Tropical?
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Is the warm air mass forming a tornado a tropical air mass?

Yes. The warm air mass that often plays a role in tornado formation is called a maritime tropical air mass.

If both continental Polar and continental Tropical air masses meet does it cause a tornado?

No. If conteinental tropical and continental polar air masses meet, they will form a front. Storm activity would be limited due to the relative lack of moisture. If a continental polar and maritime tropical air mass meet, then thunderstorms are possible. The collision of air masses does not directly result in the formation of tornadoes. Instead, the collisions result in thunderstorms which, if a few other conditions are right, may go on to produce tornadoes.

Why do a continental and a polar cause a tornado?

The terminology here is a bit confused. In weather there are 4 basic types of large-scale air mass: Continental polar air masses come off the land in cold regions and are cool and dry. Maritime polar masses come off the ocean and are cool and somewhat moist. Continental tropical air masses come of the land from warm regions and are warm and dry. Finally maritime tropical masses come off of warm oceans and are warm and moist. When a continental polar air mass pushes into a maritime tropical air mass it forms a cold front. Since cold air is denser than warm air, the tropical air mass is forced upwards. This can trigger thunderstorms. Under the right conditions these storms can produce tornadoes.

Can there be tropical tornado storms?

Depends on what you mean. Tornadoes can occur in the tropics, and tropical storms can produce tornadoes, but a tropical storm and a tornado are two very different things.

Which continent has never had a typhoon and tornado?

Antarctica has never recorded a tornado or a tropical cyclone (hurricane or typhoon).

Which continent never had a typhoon or a tornado?

The only continent that has never has a recorded tornado or tropical cyclone is Antarctica.

What does the most damage a tropical storm a tornado an earthquake or a tsunami?


What is a tornado called in the southern hemisphere?

In the southern hemisphere, tornadoes are typically referred to as "tropical cyclones" or "vortexes."

Is tropical cyclones another way of saying Tornado?

No. A tropical cyclone is a storm such as a tropical storm, hurricane, or typhoon. In other words, a large-scale storm system the develops over warm ocean water. A tornado is a small-scale but intense vortex that is not necessarily tropical and can easily form over land.

Is a tornado smaller than a tropical cyclone?

Yes. A tornado is orders of magnitude smaller than a tropical cyclone. Most tornadoes are no more than a few hundred yards wide and rarely over a mile. By contrast a tropical cyclone is usually hundreds of miles wide.

Which is the odd one out and why tropical cyclone tornado hurricane typhoon?

Tornado is the odd one out because it is a smaller scale weather phenomenon compared to tropical cyclone, hurricane, and typhoon which are all large-scale rotating storms that form over warm ocean waters.

Name given to the mid- continental area where tornadoes are common?

tornado alley