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foreign objects on the runway, landing gear not down, wrong airport, didnt feel like landing

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Q: What are the most common reasons for an airline pilot to abort a landing?
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What are the most common reasons for a pilot to abort a landing?

I would think the most common reason for abort landing is due to air traffic or ground traffic that makes it unsafe to land. But this type of abort would be well before the aircraft touches down on the runway. The newest aircraft have a check to ensure that the flaps and slats are configured correctly for takeoff. If the wing on one side is not configured like the other, then the warning system will give a verbal warning to the pilot and he will stop the aircraft. Sometimes this is caused by a sensor that fails or goes out of rig. The flap may be deployed but the aircraft sensor is bad.

Can you give an example of abort used in a sentence?

The pilot had to abort the landing due to poor visibility on the runway.

Why do people child abort?

They abort babies, because some may be to younge; some may not be able to afford a child. Other's will abort because they are not sure about their parenting skills. Those are some basic reasons.

Why do teenagers feel about abort babies?

They have the same reasons as the adults.See related questions below.

Did anybody die going to the moon?

No but a group of men almost did and had to abort landing on the moon when Apolo 13 went into space. This was because of faulty building.

What year did Apollo 13 from NASA attempt to land on the moon?

Apollo 13 was launched in 1970 with the intention of landing on the Moon, but an oxygen tank explosion during the mission forced the crew to abort their landing and return safely to Earth.

Where did Apollo 13 land on the moon?

Apollo 13 did not land on the moon. A technical issue with the spacecraft prevented the mission from landing as intended, and the astronauts had to abort their lunar landing and return safely to Earth.

What is a sentence with the word 'abort' in it?

You are not allowed to abort a baby in Ireland.

What has the author Shangxiang Zhu written?

Shangxiang Zhu has written: 'Automatic landing through the turbulent planetary boundary layer' -- subject(s): Automatic landing control, Turbulence effects 'Fluid-dynamic model of a downburst' -- subject(s): Aircraft landing, Downburst, Wind shear 'Studies of automatic landing in the presence of wind shear (abort and flare)' -- subject(s): Automatic pilots, Automatic flight control, Wind shear

When was Abort - album - created?

Abort - album - was created in 1987.

What is a synonym for abort?

Synonyms for "abort" include "end" and "ternimate".

When was Abort - film - created?

Abort - film - was created in 1970.