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Thrust - The aircraft being pulled (or pushed) forward through the air.

Drag - The aerodynamic friction slowing down the aircraft's forward movement.

Lift - The lifting force of the wing.

Weight - The force of gravity pulling the aircraft towards the ground.

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Q: What are the four forces acting on an airplane during flight?
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What are the forces on an airplane landing?

The forces acting on an aircraft during any phase of flight: thrust, drag, lift, and weight.

What are 4 forces acting in an airplane during flight?

The four forces that act on an airplane during flight are lift (upward force generated by the wings), weight (downward force due to gravity), thrust (forward force generated by the engines), and drag (rearward force resisting motion).

What are the two forces acted upon the airplane when in flight?

The two main forces acting on an airplane in flight are lift, generated by the wings pushing the aircraft upwards, and thrust, produced by the engines propelling the plane forward.

What are the 4 aerodynamic forces of flight?

the four forces of flight are lift,drag,weight/gravity and thrust.I have no clue how to describe them.........i hope that helps!

What are forces acting in opposite directions?

Some examples of forces acting in opposite directions include tension and gravity on a hanging object, friction and applied force on a sliding object, and thrust and drag on an airplane in flight.

What are the four forces acting on an airplane?

The four forces acting on an airplane are lift, weight (gravity), thrust, and drag. These forces work together to keep the airplane in flight: lift opposes weight, while thrust overcomes drag to propel the aircraft forward.

How friction effect the flight of an airplane?

Friction is the force resisting the movement of an object across a surface. For an airplane there is no friction when it is flying. Instead this is referred to as air resistance which produces drag forces. There are several forces acting on the airplane at one time: Thrust, Drag, Lift, and Gravity.

What are the forces that act on an airplane flight?


When an airplane is flying straight and level what can be said about the forces on an airplane?

the forces are equal to balance the aircraft in flight

What are The four forces acting on an airplane in flight are?

The four forces acting on an airplane in flight are lift, weight (or gravity), thrust, and drag. Lift is generated by the wings and opposes the force of gravity. Thrust is produced by the engines and overcomes the force of drag, which is caused by air resistance.

What are the forces on a airplane when it is still?

When an airplane is still on the ground, the main forces acting on it are the gravitational force acting downwards and the normal force exerted by the ground acting upwards to support the weight of the airplane. There are typically no aerodynamic forces acting on the airplane until it starts moving.

Which four forces causes a airplane to become airborne?

There are two forces that causes an airplane to be airborne. They are Thrust and Lift. The other two forces resists the airplane's flight. They are Gravity and Drag.