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Q: What are the chances a plane will crash your first time flying?
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Related questions

What are the chances of getting in a plane crash?

to slim to worry

How often do planes crash?

Chances of being in a plane crash are 1 in 11 million

What are the risks of flying after anesthetic?

the plane may crash is certainly a risk

What are the chances of surviving a plane crash?

Statics shows 1 in 100 crashes.

Why does Jim Tweto of the show Flying Wild Alaska have a limp?

He was in a plane crash, broke his back and neck...

Why did the plane crash happen in the Hudson river?

Because the plane flew into a flock of flying sheep and one of the sheeps bottoms got stuck in the engine.

What percentage of planes crash?

Only about 0.000001% of planes ever crash. Generally, the drive down to the airport is much more dangerous than flying a plane.

Who was first to die in a plane crash?

Kipp Batchelor

Did john Denver kill himself?

John Denver died in a plane crash, on the 12th of October, 1997. His Experimental Long-EZ plane crashed into the Pacific nr. Pacific Grove, CA. John Denver died as a result of a plane crash. He was a avid flyer and was flying an experimental plane when it crashed into the Pacific Ocean.

Was Harrison Ford in a plane crash?

Yes, Harrison Ford was involved in a plane crash on March 5, 2015. He was flying a vintage fighter plane over Venice, California. It went down over a golf course. He survived the crash, but emergency services transported him to the hospital. He reportedly had gashes to his head and other injuries.

In the book hatchet did the plane run out of gas when brian was flying it?

No, the plane did not run out of gas while Brian was flying it in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. The pilot suffered a heart attack, which caused the plane to crash into the wilderness.

Do planes look like they are flying backwards when viewed from space?

It depends on the angle. From a plane flying past another plane at a higher speed, it can appear that the slower plane is flying backward, tail-first.