Traveling on I-26 E it takes at least 30 minutes to go the 25.15 miles between Pinehurst, NC and Asheville, NC.
Albemarle, NC
70 miles.
The address of the Tufts Archives is: , Pinehurst, NC 28370
Check with the airlines.
There are very many people who are not only famous but also live in Pinehurst NC. They include LeBron James and Hugh Hefner.
To the Pinehurst East of Charlotte it is 495.21 miles. To the Pinehurst West of Charlotte add an extra five miles to the trip.
It is 74.5 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 91.4 miles according to Google Maps.
60 miles up U.S. 1 NORTH.
There are two Pinehursts in NC, 78 and 226 miles away from Hillsborough.