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Q: What Hijacked planes crashed into the world trade center and the what on September 11 2001?
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What events occurred after terrorists hijacked four planes on September 11 2001?

they crashed into pentagon and world trade center

How many planes were hijacked during the Sept 11 terrorist attacks on the US?

Four planes were hijacked. Two crashed into the World Trade Center, one crashed into the Pentagon, and one crashed in a field.

How many planes did Al Queda hijack on september 11?

Al Qaeda operatives hijacked four different planes on September 11, 2001. Two crashed into the World Trade Center, one crashed into the Pentagon, and another on its way to Washington, D.C. crashed in a Pennsylvania field after its passengers fought back.

What year were planes hijacked by terrorists and crashed into the pentagon and world trade center?


How many planes were hijacked 9 11?

Four planes were hijacked on September 11. * American Airlines Flight 11 (Boston to LA, crashed into North Tower of World Trade Center) * United Airlines Flight 175 (Boston to LA, crashed into South Tower of World Trade Center) * American Airlines Flight 77 (Washington DC to LA, crashed into the Pentagon) * United Airlines Flight 93 (Newark to San Francisco, crashed into a field in Pennsylvania)

What happened to the four planes hijacked by Al-Qaeda on September 11 2001?

Two of the hijacked planes crashed into each of the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, one crashed into the Pentagon in Washington DC, and one, which had been intended by the hijackers to crash into the White House, instead crashed into an open field because the passengers fought with the hijackers. In all four cases, no one on the planes survived the crashes.

Where were the planes that crashed into the twin towers hijacked from?

american airlines

On September 11 2001 terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into the?

Two planes was flown into the World Trade Center in New York City and a third one was flown in to the pentagon. A fourth fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania field after passengers heroically overpowered the hijackers.

Was September 11 caused by terrorists or the government?

Arguably, both - the goverment did make mistaked. However, the terrorists were the ones who atually hijacked and crashed the planes.

How did the Twin Towers fall down?

The Twin Towers at the World Trade Center collapsed on September 11, 2001, after being struck by hijacked airliners. The impact of the planes, combined with the ensuing fires, weakened the buildings' structures, causing them to ultimately collapse.

How did the world trade center attack happen?

Well, there were two planes. Three guys hijacked the planes and they had bombs. And then they rammed the plane into the world trade center. And the other plane tried to damage the White House but it crashed in Pennsylvania.

Who hijacked the planes of September 11?

There were four planes that were hijacked on September 11. The hijackers were part of the terrorist group, al-Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden ordered the attacks.