By 1933 the typical biplane fighters were flying at 200 + mph. Specialised racing aircraft such as the Supermarine S6B (fore-runner of the Spitfire) were regularly racing at over 380 mph.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was president from 1933-1945. He could have traveled any way that you yourself travel, only the cars and airplanes would not have been as fast as modern ones.
All gliders are airplanes, but not all airplanes are gliders.
Yes, jets really are airplanes but they are faster airplanes.
airplanes are cool
Yes, jets are airplanes but they are called supersonic airplanes.
Yes, airplanes are aircraft. However, not all aircraft are airplanes. Helicopters, blimps, and balloons are aircraft- but they are not airplanes. Airplanes are generally fixed wing machines that move through the air.
No, there were no airplanes in the Victorian era.
Something about airplanes
Airplanes are kept in hangars.
Yes, they had airplanes in 1907. Flight in airplanes began about 4 years before that.