to be consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Reponse Framework (NRF) policies.
To be consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF) policies
The US Air Force revised its disaster response force and created AFIMS in 2006 by a memorandum issued by Secretary of the Air Force, Michael W. Wynne. AFI:MS enhanced the nations ability to plan for, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and other emergencies. AFIMS works with all governmental levels to unify emergency management practices.to be consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF) policies
Air Force Incident Management System
The Air Force Incident Management System incorporates National Response Framework (NRF).
Prevention, preparedeness, response, recovery, mitigation
The National Response Framework
The Air Force Incident Management System incorporates National Response Framework (NRF).