Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Rome (ROM)Shortest Flight Duration 14 hours 43 mins
The distance between Los Angeles and Rome is 6353 miles (10224 km).Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Rome (ROM)Flight Duration 14 hours 43 mins
Approximate flight duration time from Los Angeles to San Diego is: 20 mins
The flight from Los Angeles to Melbourne is approximately 14.5 - 15 hours depending on the weather.
The flight time from Hawaii to Louisiana is approximately 8 hours and 4 minutes. If you incorrectly referred to Los Angeles as "LA" (Los Angeles is actually LAX), then the flight time from Hawaii to Los Angeles is approximately 5 hours and 9 minutes. The flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could alter the length of the flight.
Non-stop flight time from Los Angeles to Calgary is around 3 hours 15 minutes.
Rome, Italy is 9 hours ahead of Los Angeles, California.
The flight time is 13 hours, 1 minute.
3.5 hours
4Hours 20Minutes
About 15 hours.
You won't get a non-stop flight, so flight time would need to include layovers. Altogether, average travel time between Los Angeles and Bermuda is about 20 hours.