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Q: Is low pressure on the top wing of a plane or the bottom?
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How does a plane remain in air?

Bernouli's Principle... Fasting moving air has lower pressure. Plane wings have a flat bottom and curved top. The air as the front of the wing has to meet up at the back of thing wing, but has further to travel so the air on the top is faster than the air on the bottom, and therefor the pressure is lower on top than the bottom. Stuff always moves from high pressure to low pressure, so the plane moves up.

What causes plane to fly?

Aeroplane wings and flat at the bottom but curved at the top, as they move through the air, it will flow normally under the flat part of the wing and up and over the curved part of the wing. This causes air to flow faster, and causes higher pressure, The low air pressure under the wing then attempts to flow into the high air pressure above the wing, pushing the wing upwards in the process. This causes the plane to fly.

What are the high and low pressure areas of an airplane wing?

The high pressure area is located below the wing, where air is compressed and causes lift. The low pressure area is located above the wing, where air flows faster and creates lift by reducing pressure.

Does Bernoulli's principle explain why planes fly?

Yes. Air that travels a longer distance over the more curved top surface of a plane's wing is at a lower pressure than air at the bottom. (Bernoulli's principle states that higher-speed air is at lower pressure.) Air flows from high to low pressure, and therefore the air on the underside of the wing pushes the wing upward toward the lower-pressure air above it, and the rest of the plane along with it.

Air above an airplane wing is moving faster than air below an airplane wing This causes the plane to?

Low pressure is created over the top of the wing while higher pressure is below the wing which generates lift.

What are the parts of the aircrafts that helps aircrafts fly?

The wing has a distinctive shape that will allow it to have high pressure on the bottom and low on the top, which will make it go up, taking the plane along with it. It can only do this, however, if it is moving forward, so they give the plane an engine, to push/pull the aircraft forward and the wing, creating lift and helpint the plane to fly.

Is the air that travels over the wing of the plane is more dense?

A wing when looked upon from the wing tip is curved at the top and straight along the bottom. So, now there is more surface area on the top in comparison to the bottom. As air rushes along on both sides the air on the bottom is less dense and has a higher pressure compared to the air along the top. Think of the air on top as "stretched out" and therefore thinner than the air on the bottom. This creates a low pressure allowing the high pressure air on the bottom to push up. Ergo, flight.

How is lift created?

Generally, lift is created when the pressure below an object is greater than the pressure above it. For example: an airplane wing is curved on top to allow for air to seamlessly pass over, creating low pressure on the upper surface and the wing is obstructed on the bottom, creating higher pressure to lift the wing. As for a helicopter, the air is pushed down by the propeller, causing high pressure below the rotation plane, causing lift.

How do airplanes flya?

They way airplanes fly is actually very simple. The wing of an airplane is curved on the top and flat on the bottom. This means that the top side of the wing is longer than the bottom part. When air passes by the wing, some of the air goes on top and some on the bottom. Because the particles of air want to stay together by the law of attraction, the air that passes over the top of the wing moves faster than the air that flows under the wing. This causes a low pressure system to form above the wing and a high pressure system to form below the wing. The higher pressure beneath the wing forces the wing up allowing the air plane to fly. This is also called Bernoullis principle.

Atmospheric pressure on the top of a wing in flight is?

Low. High on the bottom low on the top creating lift. The faster the airflow the greater the pressure difference and the greater the lift.

Do spitfire wings go under the plane or halfway up the plane?

The Spitfire is a low wing design. The wings do not really go under the plane, but extend out from the bottom edge of the side of the fuselage.

What keeps a heavy plane from falling to the ground?

The wings. By increasing velocity over a surface (the top of the wing) a low pressure zone is created. The higher pressure under the wing pushes the wing upwards.Eventually the plane needs to return to the ground because the fuel powering it forward (creating the air foil) will run out.