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Yes, a helicopter is known as a 'rotary wing aircraft'

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Q: Is a helicopter an airplane
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How is a helicopter different from an airplane?

A helicopter has rotor blades and an airplane does not.

How can you fly without a airplane?

a helicopter Additional answer That depends on what you mean by airplane. Some people might argue that a helicopter IS an airplane

Is a helicopter a type of airplane?

no a helicopter is not a airplane because helicopter lifts but a plane takes off and a helicopters propeller is huger than a planes

How do you get a helicopter or airplane?

you pay for it

Which is safer helicopter or airplane?

Helicopter is safer because it flies slowly.

Is a helicopter faster than an airplane?

No. A helicopter is not faster than an airplane. A helicopter could fly at about 400-650 kph. But a plane could fly much faster than that.

What do the wings of an airplane and the rotors of a helicopter have in common?

READ THIS - GOOD INFORMATION The wings of an airplane and the rotors of a helicopter both help the object fly. Without those the object could not fly because the wings of an airplane have wind going past it which keeps the airplane in the air. The rotors of a helicopter spin in the wind and help the helicopter fly.

Can a boombox drown out a low-flying airplane or helicopter?

I have found nothing in any search to support that a boombox can drown out a low-flying airplane or helicopter.

How can you fly but not in a airplane?

Balloon, helicopter, rocket, etc.

How does a helicopter look outside?

just like an airplane

What do you use that can fly 9 miles in the air?

An airplane or a helicopter

Is the V-22 Osprey considered an airplane or a helicopter?
