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Each was taken over by 4-5 men. Two took over the cockpit and flew the planes while the others took care of the cabin crew and passengers.

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They were hijacked

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Q: In 911 what happened to the planes before they crashed?
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Was a 747 one of the planes involved in 911 attack?

No. The planes that crashed into the twin towers were 767s, and the plane that crashed into the Pentagon and the one that crashed in Pennsylvania were both 757s.

What three sites were planes crashed on 911?

The twin towers Washington D.C. Pentagon

What caused the 911 plane to crash?

The cause of three of the four planes that crashed in the 911 terrorist attacks crashed because they were deliberately flown in the WTC Tower buildings and the Pentagon. The fourth plane that crashed in Shanksville, PA was believed to have been brought down before it reached its intended target by the actions of the passengers attacking the terrorists that were in control of the plane.

What are the three events that took place on 911?

The terrorists crashed planes into the Twin Towers, a plane hit the pentagon, and a plane that was scheduled to hit the White House, crashed in a small field in Pennsylvania.

What was the causes of the 911 attack?

Back when people could go into the cockpit on planes, terrorists went into the cockpit and took over the plane and crashed into the World Trade Center.

What is the 911 flight number that crashed?

There were 4 planes American Airlines Flight 11 American Airlines Flight 175 United Flight 77 United Flight 93

What did the second plane in 911 crashed into?

It crashed into the South Tower of The World Trade Center.

What happened to the 3rd plane 911?

I don't know which one you consider to be the third one, or what this question has to do with math. Two of the planes were crashed into the World Trade Center. One plane was crashed into the Pentagon although, based on its flight path, its original target is believed to have been the White House but they apparently couldn't find it. The other plane was presumeably intended for the Capitol but the passengers attacked the hijackers, attempting to retake the plane. It crashed in rural Pennsylvania.

How many planes were hijacked during 911?

4 planes were hijacked during 9/11. the plane that landed in Pennsylvania was supposed to go the white house but failed because the poeple on the plane stoped it

What were the four flights on 911 that crashed?

Flights American Airlines 11 (north tower), 77 (Pentagon), and United 175 (south tower), 93 (Pennsylvania) are the planes that were involved on September 11.

How many passengers were in the plane that crashed in 911?


What happed 911?

911 is when the twin towers got hit by 2 planes