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Q: If an aircraft is taxiing towards your position you must?
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While in the immediate vicinity of an aircraft what must be present before a vehicle may be backed towards an aircraft?

both a spotter and pre-positioned chocks.

Which vehicle may be operated in the path of the taxiing aircraft?

At a controlled airport any vehicle (another plane, car, fuel truck, snow plow, mower, or even a unicycle) may be operated in the path of a taxing aircraft, but they must have a clearance to do so from ground control. At an uncontrolled airport the aircraft should have the right of way but so does a pedestrian at a cross walk, so use your head.

How do you get through ice path in Pokemon?

You must face towards the exit to get out. Once in that position, move towards the exit. Continue this to exit the cave.

What equipment must be installed in an aircraft when its weighed?

When an aircraft is weighed, an aircraft equipment list must be provided to the weighing agency. All equipment that is recorded on the equipment list must be in or on the aircraft at the time it is weighed.

How Do I Get a Job in Aircraft Manufacturing?

One of the largest and most profitable manufacturing industries in the United States is the aircraft manufacturing industry. Within the aircraft manufacturing industry, there are a number of profitable careers for a person to pursue. One such example is the position of aircraft mechanic. An aircraft mechanic is a person who is trained to build and maintain aircraft engines. Typically, an aircraft mechanic will specialize in only one kind of aircraft engine. These engines vary depending on the size and design of the aircraft. People in this position will generally work for companies who manufacture aircraft engines or employers who use aircraft. Demand for this position is especially high within branches of the military. Another highly sought after position within the aircraft manufacturing industry is the position of aeronautical engineer. An aeronautical engineer is the one who actually designs new aircraft. This engineering will start at the design phase in which extremely complex schematics for a new craft are created using specialized computer programs. The aeronautical engineer will also oversee the prototype phase. During this phase, the engineer will oversee the actual construction of the aircraft. If all goes well during the testing phase, a version of the aircraft may see mass production. The pay rates offered in the aircraft manufacturing industry vary based on the position. Aircraft mechanics, for example, can expect to make between $40,000 and $61,000 a year. Aeronautical engineers, on the other hand, should make between $57,000 and $90,000 a year. Due to the complex nature of airplane manufacturing, positions in the aircraft manufacturing business are typically not entry level jobs. For any position in aircraft manufacturing, an applicant must have a high school diploma. High school students should focus their efforts on math, science, shop, and other classes related to engineering and manufacturing. At the college level, an aircraft mechanic should graduate from a technical school with a program devoted to aircraft manufacturing. For aeronautical engineers, a degree in engineering with classes geared towards aeronautic engineering will be required. An aeronautic engineer will also be required to gain practical experience working as an aircraft mechanic before he or she is qualified enough to act as an aeronautic engineer.

What position must the diaphragm be when you inhale?

It must be in a relaxing position.

What position must the diaphragm be in when you in inhale?

It must be in a relaxing position.

All vehicles must approach a parked aircraft?

with the driver's side of the vechile toward the aircraft

All vehichles must approach parked aircraft?

with the drivers side of the vehicle toward the aircraft

All vehicles must approach parked aircraft?

With the driver's side of the vehicle toward the aircraft.

What are the key features of an airplane landing?

When landing an aircraft, there is usually a series of basic steps one must follow to achieve success. Locating the airport, contacting the tower, and identifying the runway to begin the landing approach are the first steps. Once this is accomplished, lining up the plane with the runway, lowering the landing gear, reducing speed and dropping elevation, while keeping the aircraft somewhat level, will usually ensure a successful landing. Once on the ground, taxiing off the runway completes the process.

When must army aircraft be electrically grounded?

When fuelling.