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the wright brothers were better than anyone because without them we wouldn't be flying in these big Boeing 737's

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Q: How were the Wright brothers better than everyone else who tried to invent an airplane before them?
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Related questions

What did the Wright Brothers invent before the airplane?

A glider

Was their another group building an airplane at the same time as the wright brothers?

There were many other people trying to invent the airplane even before the Wright brothers. It eventually became a race, and obviously the Wright brothers won.

Which of the Wright brothers was the first man to fly an airplane?

Neither of the Wright brothers was the first man to fly an airplane. -Many men had flown, but for shorter distances, before they did.

How many gliders did the wright brothers make before their first airplane?


Did the wright brothers have a bike shop?

Yes, the before the Wright Brothers started to ponder on the airplane they lead their lives as bike shop owners.

Where did the Wright Brothers invent their first airplane?

The answer before this was North Carolina. That answer is completely wrong! It was near North Carolina but the Wright brothers rightfully invented the airplane in Dayton, Ohio. They also had their frst flight there.

Did the Wright brothers make the first airplane?

No, there were many aircraft built before theirs

What business were the wright brothers in before they build the first airplane?

Bicycle Making~APEX

How many gliders did the wright brothers build before the first true airplane?

They build 4

When did the Wright brothers build the first airplane?

The Wright brothers did NOT build the first airplane. -Many others had built an flown airplanes for short distances before them, mostly ending in crashes. The Wrights fame came from building and flying the first practical, powered airplane

How did the Wright brothers build the first airplane?

The Wright brothers did NOT build the first airplane. -Many others had built an flown airplanes for short distances before them, mostly ending in crashes. The Wrights fame came from building and flying the first practical, powered airplane

What businesses were the wright brothers in before they built the first airplane?

They owned a bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio named Wright Cycle Co.