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you get the tongue of the trainer, and you put the front bit of the jeans behind that, do that for both trainers, and put the back bit of your jeans down, so they are nearly touching the floor, make sure there not touching the floor because if they drag under your air force ones whilst your walking, they will rip, if your jeans are too long, roll them up ONCE at the bottom, or just were a belt :)

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Q: How to wear Jeans with air force ones?
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How to wear skinny jeans with air force ones?

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How do you wear your nike air force ones high top?

Gurl: skinny jeans-not velcrowed.- pop the tongue out and tuck pants in guys- baggy jeans/any way

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air force ones

Who makes air force ones?

Who makes Air Force Ones, Boeing.

What looks good with skinny jeans?

Flats, Converce, Sperse, Toms, Jordons, Air force ones, and Sandles. Never ware big bulky shose with skinny jeans exspeshly if you have skiny legs:)

How do you wear Air Force 1s mid top?

With the strap undone and with the laces not tied and tucked in. Wear some loose jeans with the ting out to show off the fresh kicks. You will have some swag.

What are Nike Air Force Ones called in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, Nike Air Force Ones are called dookies.

How long have Nike Air Force Ones been out?

air force ones were made by Bruce kilgore in 1982. thanks for asking, and have a nice day.

Do women in the air force have to wear skirts?

no i dont think they have to!!! my uncles girlfriend was in the air force and she didnt!!!

What are air force ones?

Air Force Ones are one of the world's most popular Nike shoes and basketball shoes ever made. I also own a pair.

Why do skateboarders wear tight jeans?

Me, being a skateboarder, we wear tight jeans or "skinny jeans" because baggy pants will often catch the board in mid-air when doing a trick, if it gets caught, they could land wrong and hurt themselves or their boards. whereas skinny jeans, its impossible to for the board to get caught.

Does the air force have ships?

The only watecraft the Air Force has are the ones that Special Forces uses for recovery and Rescue missions.