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at least 3 months later the surgery, i know because i work in quantas.

I flew 2 weeks after anterior cervical fusion and was fine. I made sure my surgeon was OK with it first, though. I'd check with your surgeon.

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Q: How soon can you fly after neck surgery?
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Neck surgery is an orthopedic surgery.

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You don't want to fly too soon after any surgery, especially if you are taking pain medication, as it can make you feel ill. However, you can fly once you are no longer hospitalized after ankle surgery; request a wheelchair from your airline.

How soon after a spinal fusion can you fly?

its been six months since my surgery and my doctor just told me i never will be able to fly again. after i cried, he said he will consider it a year after surgery.

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In general, it is safe to fly 1 to 2 days after laparoscopic surgery. It is usually safe to fly 5 days after abdominal surgery. This varies depending on the type of surgery, your health conditions, and the doctor's orders.

What kind of doctor does neck surgery I am looking for specialists.?

It depends on what type of neck surgery. Endocrinologists handle thyroid issues (the thyroid is in the front of your neck) or a orthopedic doctor also does neck surgery. Some neurosurgeons also perform neck surgery if it's related to nerves.

How soon after surgery can one fly?

i wil try to answer this right after you tell me what you mean by "fly"

How long after breast surgery can you fly?

Flying on an airline has no effect on breast implants. If you are asking about how long after a surgery before you can fly, that will depend on how healthy you are and how long your recovery takes. You will have to ask your doctor to be sure.

Why did john cena fake his neck surgery?

He did not fake a neck injury. He had surgery on his neck and had a metal plate put in. They do not fake those injuries. And just an FYI, most neck surgeries are done from the front in the throat not in the back of the neck.

What is the name given to surgery of the head?

Otolaryngology - Surgery of the head and neck.

Is neck surgery a standard treatment for cervical disk disease?

Neck surgery is not usually advised unless other therapies have failed.

How soon can you fly after having a craniotomy surgery to repair a cerebral aneurysm?

hi> my wife had an awake craniotomy in may and she was told not to fly until 8-10 weeks after. that answer came from a top surgeon in uk.