It is 6,800 air miles from Seattle, WA to Baghdad, Iraq. In terms of flight time, it would take approximately 14 hours and 8 minutes to travel between these two places.
The distance from New York City, New York, to Baghdad, Iraq, is 6,008 air miles. That equals 9,668 kilometers or 5,221 nautical miles.
How many miles between sydney Australia and Baghdad Iraq
5,815 miles
The air distance from Baghdad, Iraq, to Baghdogra, India, is 2,653 miles. That equals 4,269 kilometers or 2,305 nautical miles.
From Auburn, Maine, USA, to Baghdad, Iraq, it is 5,694 miles.
Approximately 6247 miles fron Detroit to Baghdad.
The flight distance is 7,036 miles.
It is about 500 miles fromBaghdad, the capital of Iraq.
Distance is 10,337 kilometers or 6423 miles
There are 7590 miles from Phoenix, Arizona to Baghdad, Iraq. You can adjust accordingly.
The air distance from Baghdad, Iraq, to Wellington, Ohio, is 6,285 miles. That equals 10,114 kilometers or 5,461 nautical miles.
The air distance from Baghdad, Iraq, to Seaside, Oregon, is 6,922 miles. That equals 11,140 kilometers or 6,015 nautical miles.