Dallas to Geneva (airports) is 4,503 air miles.
805 miles
34 miles
175 miles
234 miles
Air distance from Liverpool, England, to Geneva, Switzerland, totals 644 miles. That equals 1,036 kilometers or 560 nautical miles.
The distance is 5,140 air miles.
Air kilometers from Geneva, Switzerland, to St. Moritz, France, total 286 kilometers. That equals 178 miles or 154 nautical miles.
5111 MI/ 8225 KM
The road distance from Paris, France, to Geneva, Switzerland, is 539 km (335 mi). The driving time is 5:20 to 6:00 depending of the route.
Lake Geneva is one of the largest lakes in western Europe. It is on the border of Switzerland and France. It is 72,000,000 acre feet or 23,461,302,744,000 gallons.
620 miles