The driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Stuttgart, Germany is 138 miles / 222 km
The driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Berchtesgaden, Germany is 290 miles.
196 miles
The air distance from Zurich, Switzerland, to Frankfurt, Germany, is 190 miles. That equals 305 kilometers or 165 nautical miles.
Distance from Berlin to Zurich is 413.4 Miles( 665.3 Kilometers / 359 Nautical Miles )====================
The driving distance from Munich, Germany to Stuttgart, Germany is about 140 miles.
How many miles to fly from Atlanta, GA to Zurich, Switzerland?
The distance from Paris, France to Zurich, Switzerland is approximately 390 kilometers (242 miles) by road.
The driving distance from Lugano, Switzerland to Zurich, Switzerland is 129 miles / 208 km
61 miles
175 miles
729 miles