The distance between Bournemouth, UK and Tenerife is about 2,422 miles.
London (Heathrow) to Tenerife is about 1,556 air miles.
Tenerife is the most populated of the Canary Islands. It covers a total of 785 square miles and has a population of 908,555.
The distance between Tenerife and Gatwick airports is approximately 1,900 miles.
Northern Ireland is roughly 2000 miles from Tenerife.
Tenerife and Lanzarote are both in the Canary Islands and are about 191 miles apart.
The flight time from Tenerife, Colombia to Doncaster, United Kingdom is about 10 hours.
There does appear to be non-stop flights from the UK to the South Airport of Tenerife. This is dependant on when you plan to fly and from what part of the UK you are flying from.
1,903 miles Leeds Bradford International Airport (LBA) to Tenerife North Airport (TFN)
The distance between Birmingham, England and Santa Cruz de Tenerife (the capital of Tenerife) is approximately 1813 miles (2918 kilometres).
Approx. 3 miles.
Tenerife is at about 300 km from Africa.