The shortest route between the two is roughly 60 miles.
The driving distance between Derby, UK and Malaga, Spain is approximately 1,300 miles.
The air distance from Milan, Italy, to Oxford, England, United Kingdom, is 644 miles. That equals 1,037 kilometers or 560 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Alicante to Manchester is 1,471 road miles.
The air distance from Oxford, England, United Kingdom, to Minsk, Belarus, Russian Federation, is 1,207 miles. That equals 1,943 kilometers or 1,049 nautical miles.
It all depends on the ports you use, from dover(uk)-calais(france) and then algeciras(spain)-tangier(morocco) the driving distance is approx 1500 miles.
It's 1647 miles from Stockton-on-Tees, UK to Almeria, Spain.
How many air miles between London. England, UK, and Barcelona, Spain
There are 916 air miles to Alicante plus 38 driving miles from Alicante to Benidorm. There are 1228 driving miles from London to Benidorm.
About 1,150 miles
Yes, Uk is 1,503 miles away from Italy and Spain is 1,228 miles away from Italy.
Oxford - UK Parliament constituency - ended in 1983.