There are a lot of Stevenson Middle Schools in the US. The one in Chicago is about 170 miles from Iowa.
About 125 miles using I-35 N and US-69 N.
About 330 miles using US-52 S.
That's a long way! From Chicago IL to Iowa LA there are 1652 Km. (that's 1027 miles). Tell us when you get there!
The driving distance from the Iowa state line to St. Louis MO is 174 road miles using US-61 South.
Iraq is significantly smaller than the United States. The total area of Iraq is about 168,754 square miles, while the US covers approximately 3.8 million square miles. This means the US is about 22 times larger than Iraq.
The distance is 159 miles via US-151.
The driving distance is 743 miles via US-212 and I-90.
Iraq is 169,234 square miles, roughly the size of California.
The distance between Solihull, England, and Iowa, US, is 4,013 miles. (6,459 km).
There are about 6272.804 miles between Ludington, MI and Jordan, Iraq.
The flight distance from Iraq to United States is: 6,942 miles / 11,172 km