The total distance from Harrogate, England to Perth, Western Australia, is 9,051 miles, or 14,566 kilometres.
There are about 9098.538 miles between Manchester and Perth.
210 miles
The distance from Essex in England to Perth in Australia is 8,966 miles. A flight would take more than 18 hours from London.
If you're in the UK, it's 460 miles from Perth to Colchester. If you meant Perth, Australia, it's farther.
Nine thousand ninety-eight (9,098) is the air mileage from Bristol, England, United Kingdom, to Perth, Western Australia. That equals 14,640 kilometers or 7,905 nautical miles.
The distance between London, England and Perth, Australia is about 8998 miles (14481 km). It's about 18 hours of flight, transit via Singapore.
The distance from Perth to Sydney is 2037 miles (3279 km).
Brisbane, Australia and Perth, Australia are approximately 2,243 miles away from one another.
The flight distance from Detroit Michigan to Perth Australia is 11,178 miles.
The estimated air miles from Perth, Australia, to Paris, France is about 9,200 miles (14,805 kilometers).
Distance from Perth, Western Australia Australia to Rome, Italy is 8254 Miles( 13283.5 Kilometers / 7167.8 Nautical Miles )===============================
The air distance from Melbourne, Australia, to Perth, Australia, is 1,695 miles. That equals 2,727 kilometers or 1,472 nautical miles.