The driving distance from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport is 36 miles
Roughly forty miles
The driving distance is about 36 road miles.
BWI to Vienna, Austria is about 3,827 air miles.
The driving distance from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to Washington Dulles International Airport is:30 miles / 48 km
801 air miles.
1,717 air miles.
The driving distance from PDX to BWI is about 2,806 road miles.
How many air miles from BWI and turks and caicos
The distance between the two airports is about 2,341 air miles.
The call sign for the Baltimore, Maryland airport is BWI.
410 air miles round trip (PIT to DCA).
The flight distance from BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport to Milwaukee, Wisconsin is about 645 miles.