The total distance, as the crow flies, between Florida and Cardiff, UK is 4,267 miles, or 6,867 kilometres.
The total distance from Scotland to Netherlands is 434 miles as the crow flies. This is equivalent to 698 kilometers or 377 nautical miles.
Distance between London, England, United Kingdom and Amsterdam, Netherlands, as the crow flies: 221 miles (356 km) (192 nautical miles)
The flight distance from Florida (FL) to Illinois (IL) is: 957 miles / 1,540 km
It's around 5,961 miles depending on where in Arizona you are calculating from.
The distance between Chicago, Illinois, and Jacksonville, Florida, is 874 miles "as the crow flies."
500 miles between Florida Georgia?
100 miles
A flight from London, England to Florida would take about 9 and a half hours. There is 4,397 miles between the two locations.
150 miles
10 miles
20 miles