Depends where in Staffordshire you want to get to? The distance by road from USAF Lakenheath to the town of Stafford is between 132 miles and 143 miles, depending on route you take.
The distance between Pacifica, California and Launceston, England is approximately 5285 miles
East coast usa
The flight distance from California (CA) to United Kingdom is: 5,204 miles / 8,376 km
According to the World Distance Calculator website, the distance between Santa Monica, CA and London, England is 5450.04 miles.
What is the difference between Florida and California What is the difference between Florida and California
The time difference between London, England and California varies depending on daylight saving time. During the winter months, London is typically 8 hours ahead of California. However, during the summer months when daylight saving time is in effect in both regions, the time difference is 7 hours.
About 3.5 hours ... more or less, depending in route traveled (Grapevine vs Palmdale route) and traffic conditions and delays.
The flight distance from San Jose, California to London, United Kingdom is 5,378 miles.
California is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. Germany is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hour, ie. 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, England. California is 9 hours behind Germany. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
The state of Nevada is between Utah and California.
England England