The flight distance from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Indianapolis International Airport is 665 miles.
The flight time is 13 hours, 24 minutes.
It would take about 14 to 17 hours to fly from NY to India.
It will take about 8 hours and 30 minutes.
The direct flight time is 5 hours and 26 minutes.
7 hours 41 min
About 20 hours
Roughly 5300 miles. A flight from NY (JFK) to Buenos Aires (EZE) is about 10 hours long.
From CA to NY takes at least 5 hours
The flight time is approximately 1 hour, 27 minutes.
New York, NY (NYC) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Shortest Flight Duration 5 hours 44 minsorNew York, NY (NYC) to San Francisco, CA (SFO)Shortest Flight Duration 5 hours 55 mins
11 hours to NY
10-12 hours