about three hours
Atlanta, GA (ATL) to Aruba (AUA) Shortest Flight Duration: 3 hours 55 mins DISTANCE FROM ATL ATLANTA,GA,US TO AUA ARUBA,AW 1714 MI/ 2758 KM
In terms of flying, it is 1,958 air miles from New York to Aruba. This equates to a flight duration of approximately 4 hours and 25 minutes long.
The flight time from Washington DC to Orlando is 23 minutes.
The flight time is 16 hours, 8 minutes.
It is very difficult to find a direct flight from washington to the philippines so you are looking from around 19-23 hours.
The average flight time is 16 hours, 6 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
There are many islands in the Caribbean, including Aruba. There is approximately 4,632 miles between the two locations and a flight would take about 10 hours to complete.
A lotoneThe time in Aruba is always UTC - 4 hours (Atlantic Standard Time).
how many hours flight from us to Malaysia
Very short flight- 24 minutes
Approximately 4 hours